Wednesday, July 10, 2013

This is scary

am I starting something bigger than myself...
This journey of life has brought me to a place I never imagined...isn't that just like God though?
So here I am trying to get an idea of what the next step in life I should take and I walk into a great opportunity to produce art, create, and teach art to others.

My canvas art consists of mixed media combining found papers, made papers, designed patterns, even designing stencils to make a canvas that portrays a scripture...

It all started a year ago at this same time.  I was at a youth conference as a youth volunteer and I prayed during that week for God's direction in my life and talents that he has given me.  My mind opened up and ideas began to flow and they have continued through today.

Thank you Lord, for giving me the ability to see with kingdom eyes, to create and enjoy color, form and line.  My running to your arms has produced a wonderful result.  I owe all that I am and all that I will be to you!