Saturday, October 24, 2015

Life had definitely changed for the Davis family.

There is no way to fully catch you up on all the changes we have been through in the last two years but to name a few of the big ones would give you a point of reference.  First we moved from Ohio to North Carolina.  We moved twice in 8 months actually, totally nuts!  We bought our dream home, a cabin in the woods.  And then as if that wasn't enough we walked away from 9 years of homeschooling and entered a Christian school.

Yep, we're certifiably nuts.

We have been running like little rats in a race trying to adjust to all these HUGE changes.  The kids have been troopers taking everything in stride.  I re-entered the workplace as an English teacher for high school students.  We leave the house at 7am and return around 5pm as long as there are no sports practices, music lessons or club meetings.

Weekends have become more valuable than ever before in our live with children.  And for the first time in their lives they are realizing the value of an empty Saturday.

This Saturday was less than empty however...
It started with a wrecker/tow truck hauling our little Fit away.  The night before as my husband pulled into the driveway it started this awful grinding noise as he was shifting gears, we're pretty sure the transmission is shot ($$$$$$).

Our younger two went on a middle school youth outing to a corn maze about 45 minutes away.  Ethan after two hours of fun and running on hay bales jumped and rolled off of one landing on his arm and began to scream in pain.  I received a phone call from our pastor who met me at the ER.  After x-rays it was confirmed that he has a buckled fractured ulna and came home with a sugar splint. Sounds sweet but it's a heavy bulky fiberglass cast.
As I was leaving the ER I called my husband to report on the patient and he informed me that our dog pooped all over our carpet in the masterbedroom....What else could happen on one day!

But then I learned that a friend of ours also has a broken arm, his wife is battling breast cancer and they have 5 children ranging in ages from 2-12 years old.

See, and then I put all my struggles into perspective and realize that God has it all under control.  He sees me and He knows me and He cares about me.  I don't know how much it will cost to get the car fixed, or how my son's arm will heal, or whether my children will ever fully adjust to the school experience, but I know who does.

I know the Maker of all good things.  I know the Holy God and he loves me.  He has engraved my name on the palm of his hand and calls me his own.  He has grafted me into his family, I am adopted into the inheritance of those who believe on His name.

He's got this.  This car.  This arm.  This life.

Thank you Lord for all your wonderful works.  For what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do in my life and in the life of my family.

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